n n Annandale Panthers vs. Springfield Rockets n n n n n
nFinal Score: Annandale Panthers 7, Springfield Rockets: 3
Game Date and Time: Saturday 11-02-2019 10:00 AM
Game time weather: Sunny
Mason District Park
Bill Goodell Soccer Field, Columbia Pike, Sleepy Hollow Run, Annandale, Fairfax County, Virginia, 22003:22204, United States
ANNANDALE, Va. — The Panthers finished the regular season with a 7-3 win at home over the Springfield Rockets (Springfield 1). With the win the Panthers finished the season at 6-0-1 and secured the 4th seed in their division They will face the #1 seed, Prince William 3, in the opening round of the Suburban Friendship League Tournament next week. #TeamKent #PreciousFatherMoments #AnnandalePanthers #AnnandaleSoccer #YouthSoccer #SoccerDad